Welcome to the world of Brent MF Tyler.
I am Brent MF Tyler. I'll let you figure out what the MF stands for. Let's have a contest...
MF = Mother Father
MF = Man Friend
Come up with your own and a big prize goes to the winner!

Stay tuned for the latest in news, opinion, and random stuff pertaining to Brent Tyler music.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shameless Spam Solicitation

Hey everyone.

I'm having an attack of self-conscious awareness. The thing I loathe, I have become. I'm a little embarrassed. Ass-bared. Bare-assed. Etc..

I read an editorial today in the Calgary Sun about how our generation is losing touch with basic humanistic qualities of socialization and friendship. We spend more time on Facebook and the Internet than we do with the people we call our closest friends. Or, our closest 'cyber' friends. It's hard to distinguish the difference these days.

The author (Michael Dentandt) belabors the fact his 'addiction' to social networking and internet browsing has made him dumber. Less attention span. Trying to read an actual book seems exhausting these days when we can get so much instant gratification and euphoric fulfillment from creeping someone's new photos or perusing celebrity gossip through Twitterific posts delivered hourly, sometimes up to the minute.

The lack of English in our daily English language (LOL, LMFAO, ROFL, OMG, and the ever popular :-) creates a new cryptic format for communication but makes reading full sentences seem exasperating and a waste of our valuable YouTube time. I'm exhausted just writing this much already. LOL!

This concept make me angry. Makes me lose faith in our/my ability to have meaningful relationships outside of social networking circles. Damn. I'm an addict. I love my personal space and not actually having to talk to all the people I meet.

In my profession, as a musician, one of the benefits i cherish is the ability to meet new people and interact with them in a social setting that is predicated on reciprocal energy. I empty my lungs and heart into a microphone and guitar while an audience can return the service through active participation creating a circle of energy that helps us escape from our day-to-day monotony and reside in a place where our armour is taken off and our hearts are open.

Sounds utopian. Perhaps a little too idealistic. But possible.

Part of making this happen requires communication. I, as the artist/musician/human, must give you the information of how we can share in this wonderful exchange together. In the old days, they put up a 'WANTED' sign on lamp posts and saloon doors. Then we moved to the telephone. We'd call our friends up and invite them to a show. Very personal. Yet, very time consuming. The telephone was abused, much like the internet is today, by cold calling and tele-marketers interrupting our dinner and annoying us with unnecessary information that may or may not apply to our personal interests. And now, we have Facebook/MySpace/Twitter/Etc.. to ruin your day.

Let's get one thing clear. I hate. One more time...I HATE getting group/event invitations from people i don't talk to or even know. Yet I send people I don't know or talk to information about my shows all the time in the slim hopes that they will come to my show and support my art. I mean, It's not like I go to many of my supposed 'friends' shows. So why would I expect they'd come to mine? Hypocritical.

But, within the negative self-dialogue that continually runs through my brain, I must remember that I am human. With fault, beauty, anger, love, and everything in between. I really need to forgive myself. For becoming addicted to Facebook and the Internet. For using these social networking tools for shameless spam solicitation. And, hopefully, YOU too can forgive me for not speaking to you individually and engaging in humanistic interaction. Please forgive me for spamming your inboxes weekly with requests of your time, energy, and money. Please see it as I my feeble attempt to communicate with all of you what's going on in MY world. Like all of you actually care;)

It's embarrassing to push 'send' sometimes. But I struggle to find more personal ways to communicate with all of you. Especially considering my 'business' is completely dependent on you. I need you. Likely, more than you need me. But whatever olive branch i'm trying to lend here for my gratuitous self-absorbed self-promotion, know that it all comes from love.

I love performing music. I love writing songs. I love singing from the heart. I love playing my guitar. I love seeing people smile. I love listening to people sing along. I love the insecure feeling of being on stage alone. I love overcoming that feeling. I love feeling people open their hearts in the presence of music. I love watching people dance. I love the excitement of live music. I love the new people I get to meet. I love the honesty of people who love me. I love watching you watching me.

I could go on and on. There are so many reasons why I love doing what I do. There are a few reasons that get me down too. Ignorant and disrespectful drunks. Actually. That's #1 on the list, and all the other reasons why I get down are centred around money. And that is definitely not specific to my vocation.

If you're still reading this, congratulations. I appreciate your effort and resiliency. I guess I'm just trying to take responsibility for my role in your Facebook and Internet discomfort. But hoping you'll forgive me and understand that if there was a better way to communicate with you I'd try my best. But, considering I'm about to release a new album and merchandise, that I'd love for you to enjoy, this medium will likely be the most important between us. Hopefully my honesty and sincerity come across to dull the pain.

Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting me even though I send you too much shit. Thank you for allowing me to invade your world with mine.

Big Love,

PS...New album coming in April/May. Getting excited. Lots of fun things on the immediate horizon. Can't wait to share them with you! Peace & Love.